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tv   The Real Story With Gretchen Carlson  FOX News  December 17, 2013 11:00am-12:01pm PST

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>> we could not no this show without her. >> and her nickname is radar and she all says seems to be there. thank you for watching. i'm alison. >> i'm bill. >> happy birthday. jen. gretchen carlson. the real story starts right now. >> we start with the fox news alert. hi everyone. welcome to the real story. the obama care fixer is moving on up. the hhs adviser leaving his post for another role in this administration and word that he will be replaced by former microsoft exec. as the president meets with the problems plaguing once and for all.
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>> great question why didn't they have more of these meetings before the october 1st deadline before they got the advice from council? these are folks who are constantly touted for their ability to adapt and use the internet. there is no meeting like this one about capacity about health with these thinkers and now you have jay carney at the podium today saying here is this executive who has vast experience in dealing with complext problco complex clemco
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comproblems. >> we would have much preferred a move successful launch and you know, if that could have been effected by having somebody in this position in the past absolutely we should have had somebody in this potion ssessio the past. mitch mcconnell saying they are not saying why they didn't do it at the beginning to get ahead of these problems. >> ed, even though there have been improvements. he has a credibility problem beyond the policy here that his promises here if you like your plan you can keep it.
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the majority of americans believe the president is not trust worthy and when you loose that trust, whether it is a patient and a doctor or a population and their president, it is very hard to regain lou. >> president's approval rating is worse than any second term president. that explains why it is difficult for him now and difficult in 2014 to push his agenda with the public. >> we'll have more on that. thank you so much. >> while the president meets with the tech executives we are waiting for the president himself to sign up for his own signature health care plan. it seems even the white house hasn't done so.
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>> the president will purchase insurance. >> he doesn't have to do it. >> the enrollment is still march 31st. >> when we have an update on it we'll provide it to you. >> if it is so great, why isn't the president and the rest of the federal government on it. >> joining me now, fox news contributor. >> are you laughing? >> it is just seeming like nothing can go right with obama care. >> is that why the president hasn't signed up? >> if they are going to come out and say that the president hasn't signed up. they should just have him sign up. >> why hasn't the president signed up? >> i checked with the white house. they are saying that march 31st
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is the deadline and that is really all they will say. let's discuss between you and me why he hasn't. could it be because his own premiums might go up? >> i have no idea. i doubt it is the premium issue regardless when he signs up he is going to have to pay it. it is not going to affect his health care because he is taken care of by the white house doctors. this is a political thing he is doing to respond by complaints by doctors. some would say i'm forcing all
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americans to do the same. there are a lot of problems with obama care. i don't think the fact that the president has signed up for it. >> they are putting it in thel. it was brought up by republicans. >> you don't believe that the president of the united states is going to be remembered for quite possibly from eight years in office. you don't think that as a role model that. >> i'm talking about -- >> trying to find a doctor right? >> this administration is so into imagery and pr. they are not allowing
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photographers to come in and take real photos. wouldn't you think with that in mind that they would have imagery top of mind and have the president say, hey, this program is so great that even i signed up for it? >> i guess, i think it is one of these things that doesn't really matter. what does it matter if he signs up for it. he has said. yes, if you are going to come out and say, you signed up for it. sign up for it. i wonder if they will allow cameras into capture that mo moment. thank you so much for your time. >> we want to hear from you. when do you think or do you think at all that the president will sign up for obama care? >> go to my facebook page. we'll read your comments by the end of the show.
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>> the bipartisan budget deal in the senate. several republican senators are raising objections to the deals saying it increases spending while cutting benefits. what was the pitch for this bill. that it is a too year deal that will provide certainty or stability. that it will help the federal government spend more wisely. we have the opportunity to enact priorities for today. considering the changes in our own community and international changes.
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>> some veterans are getting stiffed in this deal. >> that is one of the key elements that milt retirees were taking to this. new hampshire republican senator that those who have worn the uniform and those who were forced to retire or injuries suffered in combat or as part of the deal. said he opposes the package because of some of the spending caps. and question if the spending will actually be offset. it raises revenue from hard workiwork ing americans and promises to cut spending in the future.
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we have already read that book. we will grow the government more now and the spending cuts will never materialize. >> status update now on the out-of-control government spending. you just heard the senator talking about it. nearly $30 billion in out rage us costs. among them were $278 million given to major nadal hassan since the 2009 massacre. more than $300,000 studies whether wives should calm down to help their marriages.
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and grant of $150,000 spent to develop a learning game based on the zombie apock lips. >> and a young lawyer was shot outside a new jersey shopping mall. >> approval ratings going lower than this guy's during this presidency. and cat scratch fever. a feline goes on the attack. what happens next in this crazy video. we'll tell you how these paws put the one-two punch on a woman. ♪ getting shoes thrown at me from a mean old man get my dinner from a garbage can ♪
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welcome back everyone $10,000 reward being offered in the manhand for two cold blooded carjackers. report that he refused to hand over the car keys to protect his wife that was inside the car already. the thieves took off with the rangerover. the uncle of the victim releasing this statement. >> meantime, president obama sitting down with the tech company execs today at the white house to talk about the problems with the website. included in the list with companies lists. joining me now chris plant and
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leslie marshal. this begs the question why now? why not before the launch of healthcare.g >> i would be richer than oprah winfrey if i could answer that question. i agree with you. this kills me. we created apple and ipad. i believe there is no excuse for the president or for anyone involved in health not to have met with these people earlier. i agree but i feel that they should have been met with earlier. >> it is such a pow ever packed meeting. you have the heads of the tech world in this meet iing.
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the white house was not going to let cameras into the meeting. and then they allowed a camera to spray the room and show all briefly in atattendance. what do you make of that? >> the most open and transparent president in history is the least transparent in history. they had a fight last week demanding that they be given access so they can stop taking hand out photos from the government. the lap dogs at the white house, should boycott this unless they are going to allow reporters in. if you don't allow reporters in you don't go. >> some have boycotted those of publishing stock foe he toes. >> president obama can't say
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good-bye to 2013 fast enough. the first was a tough one. several scandals his poll numbers are proof of the toll that it is taking. proof of the point in his second term. as you can see by the numbers there. leslie, what does this administration need to do to get the people back in their camp? >> there are two things that they need to do. when people go to vote that is what they care about number one. >> i think a lot of people find the first argument somewhat tough to believe because a lot
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of the problems with obama care have not been because of the republicans, they have been because of obama care. >> that is right. the republicans have been taking shots at obama care since before obama care was voted on in the middle of the might. and it didn't have much effect. it wasn't until they opened the box and showed it to us all. and the poll numbers that no president since richard nixon. i heard ed henry mention this as well. has had poll numbers, this low. what can they do? they can start telling the truth. they have lost the confidence of the american people because they have told untruths so many times and everyone now knows it. how you regain the trust of the american people i don't know. 92 million people that would
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drive the number higher. the american people aren't feeling this recovery. i think the president is in deep trouble. >> it will be interesting to see if the next shoe to drop if the news is good or more bad for bicycle. >> i have to wrap it there. >> in light of the school shooting in colorado. the guy who wrote a book on how to make a bomb. that book should be pulled. >> and the megamillions jackpot getting bigger today. will it soon reach # billi$1 bi? what do you think about it? did you buy a ticket? >> you can e-mail us at the real story. we will read your comments at the end of the show.
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i've dropped my tea into the boston harbor. huhh... i guess this party's over. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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look at this surveillance camera. captured an suv plowing through a store. plowing through rows of fake christmas trees narrowing missing a cashier and customers. it is called the anar clxt chis cookbook.
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now the shore of that book feud k with it's publisher. >> does the author want it removed? >> when it was written bag in 1971, since then it has sold two million copies. it has also been linked to also shootings as well as the 2005 train bombing sbombings. he now runs a teacher training center in malasia and has added a warning that reads in part:
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now the problem is, he has no rights to the block. billy bland the founder of delta press bought the rights years ago and it continues to be his biggest seller. he said i feel bad about that but there's victims of almost everything and anything and i don't think we need to start banning books in america. legal experts say this book is protection of speech. >> the author wants to disband with it now. thank you so much. >> the president under fire for expanding it's powers now some
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are trying to take legal action wanting to sue the president. were british special forces involved in princess d imt ana's death? >> is this rule? wroo watch this. >> there is the cat with the woman. our panel getting ready to weigh in. >> here they are. come on in. [ coughs, sneezes ] i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is.
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six u.s. service members killed when their chopper crashed in afghanistan. early reports indicated the cause may have been engine failure. >> scotland yard saying that there is no evidence that british special forces were involved in her death. in italy, amanda knox's defense attorneys making arguments. submitting an e-mail to the court denying involvement, the highest court vacated the indictme
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indictment. a group of house members wants to sue the president now. >> they are basing the theory that a co equal branch is not doing it's job to hold up laws. house members say given the president's decisions to ignore or ratify laws without going through congress.
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>> on the other side, counters says the president is doing his job by modifying the laws so they do his work. >> he is showing reasonable judgement and not being a mindless robot. and that is what he is doing here. >> so far, the house resolution has 29 co sponsors signed on. >> thank you for that update. >> the pot thickens. megamillions just shy of the jackpot. while we know the odds are stacked gueagainst us, is that good thing? den nis neil, ryan reese.
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do you play the lottery and have you bought a ticket yet? >> i get those scratch offs as christmas gifts. which are the worst. it is the only gift that turns into a piece of paper right after. >> it is a great thing for our country and a great thing for me. when everyone else loses i'm know i'm one dollar richer than you. >> as long as the government is running numbers. >> sounds like the hunger games. >> it would increase the chances right? >> i don't mind the government using a voluntary system i wish
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they would allow private gamble too. >> the lottery was supposed to raise this money to help public schools. >> i'm not sure that a lot of it goes to it. >> i'm not sure that a lot of it goes to that. >> i did play the most recent drawing. i did have a friend who is told 800 of this closest friends that if we buy $100 worth of tickets, he will donate $100 of choice. >> i think what americans love about it is the fantasy angle of it. maybe the hope and optimism of it. we gave them an assignment and we wanted them to come up with what they thought was the biggest scandal of 2013.
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>> there are so many to choose from and all of them happened after the president got re-elected. i have to go with the irs ska scandal. what the irs did was personal and targeted. going after you because what you have to say and what you have to believe. all opposition past the election. i think it came down from the white house and i doubt we will find out. >> your pick is what? >> i narrowed it down to two. one is the nsa stuff. it has been going on for six months now. it is going to keep going on. revelations in june up to yesterday where the federal judge said that is unconstitutional. or miley y cyrus twerking.
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>> the biggest story is gretchen getting her own show at 2:00 p.m. >> and rob ford he's my favorite. i like him. >> he is raising the bar for crack heads. i love the interpreter, but it has been done so much. you look at this guy when he is standing next to obama and you are like who is lying more? is he saying you are going to get to keep your doctor? >> or you are asking how did he get there? >> thank you so much. a man in detroit claiming home surveillance video. watch this. the viewer says a woman was
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trying to protect her doig when it jumped and attacked her face. okay reaction is this real video or not? it is too embarrassing not to. >> you guys agree? >> i do think it is real and the real sad story here, the cat got the watch and the wallet also. >> i think he has a future as a comedian. >> i'm saying good-bye to you. >> animal rights activists scolding a girl who got attacked by a bear. they are criticizing the fact that she was hunting. we will debate that next. >> this couple gi vep access to a justin timberlake concert.
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>> josh has something he wants to say. if you've got copd like me,
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here is shep at the fox news dest. >> a marine's body returned without a heart after he killed himself. they say the department of defense gave them someone else's heart after the funeral. why did they take the man's heart without permission and why did they send them someone else's heart. we'll hear what the family says plus the on going problem of suicide in our military. >> that is coming up. we are looking forward to it. thank you so much, e'll here iss clicking on today. did you download them in time?
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a bunch of beetle's bootlegged songs were put online today. twitter working now on a way to allow users to edit tweets. good news for those who wish they could take tweets back. >> six out of ten searches were about death and destruction. including paul walker and the boston bombing. >> the alleged burglar in florida picked up by police. check out this extra it shows necklaces still stuck in his
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stomach. the find shocking everyone. we were told that the jewelry was cleaned thoroughly before it was given back to the owners. >> pennsylvania teen hunter was accused of not being a hunter anymore. plus police catch up with a suspect and casey what are you eating on down there? i hear you got the massive gingerbread house. >> you are going to love this one. look at this thing. it is massive. we'll see you after the break.
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a pennsylvania teen hunter attacked by a bear so severe she almost lost her ear. now she gets a letter from the animal rights group p eemteta: >> joining us now lisa lange, senior vice president of peta. >> good day to both of you. >> let me start with you laura. how could this probably -- lisa. how could you have probably in the organization written this letter to a girl who have been mauled by a bear and lost her
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life. if anyone wants to read the letter it is at it pleads with her to lay down her guns. there is nothing harsh about it. we think that it is now, when she has suffered a ter rising attack of her own. >> really? >> this was a mother bear who was trying to protect her cubs. the family acknowledges that she walked in between the mother and her cub. >> yeah yeah yeah but really when a woman a teenaged girl is potentially almost killed. >> she is a young woman, yes. >> almost killed and you kend her send her a letter to look at the perspective of the bear? >> number one the pleading to lay down the guns is one issue.
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but the timing of the issue was harsh. the timing was in appropriate and it should have been done in a different timing or fashion and it is better to have someone from peta meet with her face to face and besides her young us because of the god-given act to do -- ability to do so. if hunting done with a away and guns are taken away so the animals knock be killed, the destruction of wildlife will be -- >> that's nonsense. >> loses the sphere of humans and that's where -- areas like pennsylvania and it's neighboring -- >> he is correct in the sense there's an overpopulation of these animals. that is fact and that is on the record. but lisa -- >> no, no, it's not. it's not actually correct. i don't want to let they stand, these hunters know if they're
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trying to help the population of wildlife, they'd be killing off the weak and sick. they're killing the bucks so they can get the antlers and the healthy antlers. they're manipulating numbers. >> let's get back to the letter. are you really fulfilling the image and the correct messaging of peta when you send this kind of a her -- >> absolutely. >> put yourself in her shoes for a minute. forget the bear. >> that's what i want her to do. >> almost had her ear bitten off and almost tied from this attack, and then she gets a letter like that -- oh, so she didn't -- it was okay to send this kind of letter to her? she is a young woman -- >> it was. on a day that she -- she is a young woman. who actually has decided to go out and kill animals, and so she is old enough -- >> she has the right to do that. she lives in a free country. >> and we have the right to address it. >> the child -- [overlapping speakers]
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>> jimmy, respond to this. >> absolute limit all you have to do is go and find the person -- the family of the person that was killed in canada by a mauling last year by a bear. how about the child that was killed in tennessee, on vacation, just close to the condo they were staying with. last week, the girl was mauled in florida. when you're looking at particular areas, especially the area of, late sea the neighboring state of new jersey, they did not allow bear hunting, bears overpop lated to the point for christie said we're going dish. >> that's not true. >> it is true. an emergency bear season -- >> [overlapping speakers] >> the governor did do that. are you saying -- >> there's no a bear overpopulation -- >> [overlapping speakers] >> hunters go into the wild and manipulate the numbers and so wildlife populations will supplement in the next season. he knows this. >> [overlapping speakers] >> i have to end the discussion.
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lisa, you stand by this letter that one of your associates wrote. >> absolutely. >> to a young woman who could have died because you want thor see it from the perspective of the bear. >> the definition of empathy, and we invite everybody to to our web site and read the letter. >> i invite the screwers to let me know -- >> it's a false god, putting humans above the -- >> jimmy, sorry. and lisa, got wrap it there. thank you for the debate. >> thank you. >> handsell hansel and gretel would have a field day with then one. a giant ginger bread house, a whopping 389,000 cubic feet. casey is live in texas with the details. i used to live in texas so i know a lot of things are big there, right? >> right. >> now the largest gingerbread house in the entire world? >> in ther into world. the folks at the guinness book
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of world records were here. your team of producers told me three of your favoriting whichs. chocolate, licorice, and icing. we only have one of those left. the bees ate all the licorice. the texas sun melted the chocolate, but there's plenty of frosting to go around. look at this giant gingerbread panel. volunteers were baking these in their homes. 1800 pounds of butter went into this house. 7200 eggs total. 7200 pounds of flour, and about 3,000 pounds of brown sugar. we want to take you inside. follow me up this we. you can see that the icing is already starting to kind of drip a little bit here, and you have the lollipops and whatnot on the windows, and all of the bees are feasting on the sugar. before we take you in, the time lapse video. it's incredible. they started working on this at
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the very beginning of november. it took weeks and weeks and weeks for all of the volunteers -- wore talking roofers, electricians, chefs, everyone to put this thing up. it's about 3,000 square feet total. it took a month to complete, and then it's been open to the public. thousands and thousands of people from all over the country have come through to see the house, maybe a take a little nibble, see santa ride the train. the project is the brainchild of the a&m traditions club, collegiate country club group for the university, near texas a&m campus. and this is all about charity. they ref have raised $200,000 they're donating to a local hospital, and then back out here live. we'll let you in on a little secret. the inside is wood. it is like a normally frame ode home, 3,000 square foot home, because the requirement by the begin is in book of world
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records was so the that it was built on the inside like a house but the exterior had to be 100% edible. it is. gretchen, 36 million calories we're told. >> i know you well enough, you're just blaming the bees. you really ate all the licorice. >> i did. i have a stomach ache. half the house is missing. >> a good thing i wasn't sent on that a signment. i would have been eating with you. thank you so much. >> yeah. >> justin timberlake looking to give some good karma to one couple. he lets one fan pop the question to this boyfriend -- -- his girlfriend on stage. did she say yes? [ male announcer ] this is george.
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the day building a play set begins with a surprisewinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪ time for other a good news story. justin timerlake make others good wing man. he allowed a man to pop the
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question to his girlfriend on stage at his concert in louisville, kentucky. >> it work. we wish the happy couple the very best. she said yes. time now for shep. >> thanks. $636 million. the near record jackpot for the mega millions drawing. how could a win change your life? how could it not. we'll talk to a woman who knows because she won a jackpot of her own, more than $100 million. plus, mega bills of our tax dollars paying for golf carts, wine and so forth. from the annual waste report. let's get to it. >> good tuesday afternoon to you and yours from the fox news deck in new york city. first from fox at 3:00. that enormous mega millions jackpot is $636 million. lottery officia


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